Don’t stress about finding every piece of gear listed under each build.They’re just some of the most optimized and interesting builds that have been discovered so far. These are not the “only” ways to build your character.

If you need more information, this guide will help you better understand how certain stat thresholds impact your character’s growth. How, exactly, you plan to distribute those stats depends on where you’re at in the game, what gear/spells you’re working towards being able to use, and what specific situations call for. You won’t find a full breakdown of specific stat points in this guide, as its much more important to ensure that you’re leveling the “right” stats for your build along the way.So far as that goes, there are a few points I should clarify before diving into this guide: While I really need to emphasize that one of the best ways to play Elden Ring is to experiment with the various character build options made available to you until you eventually find the style that not only works “best” but works best for you, it’s certainly possible to follow a general “roadmap” for building your character that will help you get the most out of them and ensure that you’re maximizing every stat point you get to spend and every item you acquire along the way. After all, Elden Ring may allow you to build a character pretty much however you’d like, but there are some classes that are able to reach those endgame playstyles quicker and more efficiently than others. It won’t be long into your Elden Ring adventure before you start thinking about leveling up your character and finding the best build for your starting class.